Universal Life church Internet Stories

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Friday, May 20, 2011

Universal Life Church

In March of 1976, I became ordained through the Church of Gospel Ministry Inc., Chula Vista CA.,  In October of 1979, I left Maine for parts unknown.  In my travels I finally decided to go to the Main Church Headquarters in Chula Vista.  Fully knowing I didn't have enough money to get far, but I had faith that the Lord would take care of me.  I left Maine with $50.00 in my pocket.  Needless to say $50.00 didn't get me too far.  I got as far as Youngstown Ohio on my $50.00.  I had a good local minister who told me if I needed money to call him collect he'd wire me money.  He wired me money but he told me I had to come home with the money.  Needless to say, I agreed, but reluctantly had other plans.  Upon arrival in Youngstown I was completely out of money, and was scared to death not knowing what I was going to do.  I went to the local Salvation Army in Youngstown, they offered me food to eat but that wasn't gonna help me.  I needed monetary help not food.  I was scared and I prayed alot and cried alot too.  Finally I looked in the local telephone directory and came across a ministers name that I had no Idea whatsoever that he'd help but he did.  He came to the place where I was and met me.  First off he proceeded to take me to the local gas station and fill my car with gas and oil.  He then had me proceed to follow him across town, he said the church has an account across town, follow me there.  I followed him, we pulled into a Best Western Motel, he said wait here, he then came out and passed me the daily paper.  He asked me "are you hungry"?  I did not know him and he did not know me either, across the motel parking lot there was a resturant he took me there and ordered me dinner.  When I was about 1/2 way done my dinner, he said I have to go, my first thought was oh no am I going to jail?  I asked him who was going to pay my bill?  He said your bill is taken care of as is your room at the motel too and you will stay here as our guest untill Monday.  On Sunday morning I proceeded to go to his Church Service.  His congregation was so large they had to have Church in a local auditorium not in a church building.  At that curch service, he explained to the congregation how he helped a young man in need, and put me up at a motel at the churches expence, and explained the reason I was going to California in the first place.  I had faith that the Lord was going to take care of me and he did.  That Faithful Sunday morning, the pastor told the congregation what was happening, people started coming fourth with monetary contributions for me to continue on my journey.  They contributed exactly enough finances to get me to my destination in California.

Dr. Bruce Wotton,D.D.


The Universal Life Church is a comprehensive online seminary where we have various classes in Christianity, one on Wicca, along with several Pagan courses, more than a few courses about Metaphysics with more being added regularly.

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The  ULC, run by Rev. Long, has created a chaplaincy program to help train our ministers. We also have a huge catalog of minister supplies.  I've been ordained with the Universal Life Church for many years and am proud to have started the Seminary.

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